Event information reads: 7-9th November 2024, Riverside Studios, London, Surf / Film / Art / Culture

Seven Signs

LONDON PREMIERE: SE7EN SIGNS, Dir.Nathan Myers, USA. 45 mins

Dreamt up by Innersection mastermind Nathan Myers and produced by genre defining filmmaker Taylor Steele, and showcasing some of the most exciting surfers of our time including Pete Devries, Asher Pacey, Ozzy Wright, Torrey Meister, Joel Fitzgerald, Harrison Roach, Otis Carey, Daniel Jones, Chris Del Moro, Eli Steele, Noah Cohen, Gavin Gillette and Kiron Jabour, Se7en Signs weaves the journeys of six filmmakers in six locations together into a single, rollicking, surprise-filled adventure. This is a film about traveling in search of waves…and everything that happens along the way. If this does not inspire your wanderlust, nothing will.

Showed with THE RIPPLE EFFECT as part a DOUBLE BILL. Ripple Effect presented in person by renowned author / screen writer Tim Baker and award winning filmmaker Peter Hamblin.

Also showing with SHORTIES Short Film: CHASING EUGENE, Chris Case, UK. 5 mins

DIRECTED BY: Nathan Myers, Ben Gulliver, Saul Garcia, Joao Rito, Adam Chilton, Nat Lanyon

MUSIC BY: Goons of Doom, Andy Six-String, The Bollens, The Walking Who, Donavon Frankenreiter and more.

