Event information reads: 7-9th November 2024, Riverside Studios, London, Surf / Film / Art / Culture

Women of the Sea Entry Form

Posted by LSFF on March 5, 2024 | Uncategorized

We’ve partnered with Finisterre to launch the Women Of The Sea Film Fund offering established and aspiring women filmmakers, the chance to win £5000 of funding and a guaranteed spot at this year’s London Surf / Film Festival.

Submit your pitch below for a film of up to 10 minutes in duration that champions women making waves and commandeering space in the line up. The deadline for entries is the 8th of April 2024.

LS/FF x Finsterre Women of the Sea Film Fund

The name of your project / working title goes here.
A one or two sentence summary of your film.
A brief but comprehensive summary of your film with overview of the story, main characters and story arc.
Short paragraph about why this film and this story is important and why now?
An insight into how you plan to make this film happen. This could include an overview of the team, location, timeline, look or feel.
Contact Name(Required)
A paragraph about yourself, your experience in filmmaking and or story telling.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Feel free to upload additional supporting materials that you feel may help expand upon your project. This could be a full deck or more details story / why / team/ how / images / bio etc. PDF up 10 pages