Shorties Submissions

Shorties Winner 2016 ‘Call Me Peg Leg’ Dir. Mattr Media on the big screen at London Surf / Film Festival
The Shorties is a key part of the festival and open exclusively to surf filmmakers from or based in Britain and Ireland. It’s a platform for established and emerging home grown talent to flex their creative muscles and an opportunity for the best to be selected for screening as part of the festival programme.
The competition is not constricted by genre; surfing and surf culture are wide open to creative interpretation and we welcome submissions that explore all aspects and angles of surfing through documentary to animation and anything in between.
To be considered for selection, the short films must have a running time of no more than five minutes and have been created after March 2019 by film-makers from or based in Britain and Ireland.
If you’re looking for ideas and inspiration, you can check out past winners HERE. We also have some great interviews with filmmakers about the art of filmmaking that you can check out in our RESOURCES.
Here is a simple four step guide to entering.
1) Shoot your 1 – 5 minute film on any format, but remember the resulting short must be available as a hi-res digital file for upload. Official LS/FF Shortie stings must be added to the front of the film. They are available by emailing us HERE. When emailing please include the four images, screen grabs or stills from your film for publicity purposes. Images to be jpegs of 1920 x 1080 – 3 to be supplied as portrait and 1 to be supplied as landscape. Please also send a link to download your trailer or a 15 second extract too.
2) Read the guidelines plus terms and conditions of the Shorties Contest HERE .
3) Upload your film to your Vimeo channel and then fill in the Submission form HERE.
4) We will contact you to confirm your acceptance into the Shorties Competition.
Good luck!
The final entry deadline for all shorts is **30th September 2024**. Entries will be viewed by the London Surf / Film Festival and key members of the screening panel and a longlist of entries announced 3rd Oct 2024.
All longlisted films will be posted on the London Surf / Film Festival website. The selection process for films to be screened as part of the festival program is two tier, based on votes cast by the London Surf / Film Festival Screening Panel as well as votes cast by the public via a web-based poll*. Voting will run online from 3rd Oct until midday on 14th October 2024 via the LS/FF website.
The final Shortlist of films to be incorporated into the festival programme will be announced as soon as the votes from judges and the general public have been counted. The London Surf / Film Festival Shorties Contest winner will be announced at the festival.
*The Shorties is not a popularity contest, our aim is to share and promote you and your work on a national and global stage. The public vote counts as a portion of the voting – it helps effect the outcome but it is not the only deciding factor.

LS/FF 2022 Shortie of the Year Seth Hughes & Izzy Henshall Credit Adj Brown x LS:FF

Amble Dir. Seth Hughes LS/FF 2022 The Shorties Winner

Gabbi Zagni Winner Shorties Emerging Talent 2017

Shock and awe at London Surf / Film Festival Image: Adj Brown x LS/FF

Mesmerised, delighted and entertained at LS/FF 2017